No Signal, 2003

1st March 2003: Software that creates a Self Generative film by i am the mighty jungulator

Generative video engine/jukebox thingy: this one draws from several thousand scanned-in images of things that look like faces, gathered over the last ten years or so, in an exploration of the human mind’s tendency towards pareidolia (specifically the way the subconscious mind sees the human face in inanimate objects)..they are randomly faded/merged together by the software and output direct to the desktop as a movie file…

The audio is also generative: another piece of jungulator software randomly mixes/fades up and down/echoes/speeds up and down anything up to four different samples at any one time, and outputs them to the desktop as a stereo sound file…

a variation of ‘no signal’ using scanned images of plugs/plug wiring diagrams, sockets etc…

stare into the void and the void stares back…found objects, scanned in, mixed and manipulated, becoming a meditation on loast and found iconic symbolism..errm…

…or maybe its just symptomatic of our unconscious desire to see the human in the inanimate…

workshop with the i am the mighty jungulator band and members of the london philharmonia orchestra all improvising and capturing/processing everything through the jungulator software as we go…


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