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Tap Sew

TBC editions, limited to 50 Pro-mastered cassette, packaged in hand stitched textile bag, with screen printed sleeve and inlays. Comes with handmade …

Fist Of God

Feeding itself by scraping media from Youtube, The Fist Of God presents a rolling overview of the psyche, the zietgiest, distilling then …

Benefit Beats

Made on the night of the Bristol TESCO riots and finished by the London riots.Video footage, assembled by Dave, from the Portis …

Silent Movie Hour

Taking an hour of video and removing the noise. Here the Rolagsky process is applied to Eastenders. feeding, fucking and fighting from …

Ouroboros Ouroboros

Ouroboros Ouroboros puts tracks up on soundcloud and automatically plays them over and over again. Whilst this happens he streams it via …

FIFO Dump dumps The Beatles

FIFO Dump takes midi files and dumps their contents as fast as he can. Here he is dumping the entire Beatles back …

Speed Archer

Class war in the countryside! Class war in Ambridge! Speed Archer takes a corpus of the BBC radio drama The Archers, every …

Tap Sew

A high drama duet of sewing machine and tap dance. Scissors on thread; needle through cotton; metal via body on floor. The …


sonograph visualiser for multichannel mixes