
Software design for Mark Anderson, aka Dark Spark. Used in many different productions; Playing the Field, For the Birds and furious folly, to name a few.

Buzzing, vibrating, tapping, drumming, the Sound Field is an intense immersive sonic experience, where the basic elemental form of music/rhythm-making draws inspiration from the animal and insect world, to create a sound that shifts and moves, encompassing the listener in a sea of primal cadence.
The Sound Field is being tested and adjusted here by Liam Walsh and Matthew Olden, aka The Mighty Jungulator.
It consists of 48 pipes with small wooden membranes in the base, which are being hit by a small solonoid, so in effect a type of drum. The pitch is being changed by the length of pipe. At the top of each pipe is a bright blue led that illuminates every time the drum is struck.

Sound Field (Test) from Mark Anderson on Vimeo.

Sound Field Devizes, 2013, Commissioned by Sound UK from Mark Anderson on Vimeo.

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