FM radio transmission on a raspberry pi

Theres a couple of really easy to install, and to use applications that turns the raspberry pi into an operational FM transmitter that can broadcast around 200m.

For this you need to use a Raspberry Pi 3 , On Raspberry Pi 4 other built-in hardware probably interfers somehow with this software making transmitting not possible on all standard FM broadcasting frequencies. 

Read about it here

here’s an alternative found on Github

Follow the instructions to stream audio files, a sound input, or loopback the sound from raspberry pi.

after installing the software, you can use an attached soundcard to pipe in live sound to broadcast. Heres the bit of code you need. type it in terminal

arecord -D plughw:1,0 -c 1 -d 0 -r 22050 -f S16_LE | sudo ./fm_transmitter -f 100.6 –

An alternative, angrier version is avalible here

with its github repository here

if you need a hand setting up a raspberry pi to install this on look here