make a midi controller

this patch takes a Behringer X-touch mini midi controller and turns it into a 128 channel midi controller (more if you want), and sends out midi controller information via a midi output (in my case a midi-sport). As the x-touch has continuous controllers with LED feed back its possible to write a routine that “remembers” each individual midi control, and resets the LED and the controller to the last position. By using the buttons on the x-touch we can recall different banks of midi presets. In this example I’ve made a controller that sends out up to from  midi-channels 1 to 16 on controllers 17 -23  if you have a midi out interface enabled. These values are also accessible from inside the patch, so the controller can be used directly into a pd patch.


48 quid on amazon! its a really cheap way of getting a lot of controllers (you could with button combinations work out a way of sending as many controllers as you like). Its sort of a mega budget version of one of these

heres the patch


as you can see here. I’ve used aconnect to work out all the midi mapping, here i m using the x-touch to come in as a midi controller, and sending out to it to position the led display. Then the midi sport is used to send control messages out. I’ve made sure ALSA midi is on and have assigned 3 in and out channels.


although the patch might seem a little large, when you go it working stick in into its own sub patch, to free up screen space.

