Turning on VLC

In the terminal window type

sudo raspi-config

and this brings up the raspberry pi configuartion pages.


choose number 3 .interface options


the number 3 again , for VNC and enable


choose <Back> then <Finish>

finally go back to terminal and type sudo reboot


we’ll wait a while for the pi to boot up again (when the green light stops flashing) and we will now join onto the pi with VNC

Finding Your Pi’s IP Number

on your mac or pc open up a Terminal window and type

ping raspberrypi.local

this will tell us the IP of raspberry pi (so we can communcate with it wirelessly) you can see on my machine its (to stop it printing numbers press (alt . ) after you’ve noted down this number quit terminal

ping a pi


download VNC for your computer here

open it and you’ll see this box, type in the pi’s IP number


then the username (pi) and the password (raspberry


you will then get this warning, press continue


then the raspberry pi desktop will appear in a vnc window! congratulations you’re talking to your pi wirelessly


VNC is a great little program and let you do everything on the pi, but using you normal laptop or computer. You can transfer files over to the pi with it and you can copy and paste from your home computer to the pi (remember the key combinations from a mac to a pi are different, so i always use copy and paste from the drop down menu).

copying files to and from your pi

You can use vlc to wireless transfer files to your pi.

to send a file to the pi , click on the two green arrows, top middle on the VNC screen. You will then be promoted to choose the file.


to send a file from the pi, go to the little VNC logo in the top right bit of the screen.this will bring up the VNC CONNECT interface. go to the little square with lines on it, top right corner, then choose File Transfer.

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